Essential oils

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What are essential oils and why would you use them?

Distilled from plants (from the bark, seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, stems, fruit etc), essential oils are volatile liquids, which can have a therapeutic benefits when applied topically, inhaled, or ingested. Each oil has chemical properties that will determine its therapeutic value but how and where the plant grows and how the oil is distilled will also have a bearing on how beneficial the oil will be.

I trained as an aromatherapist back in 2008 and, since then, I have used essential oils to make face and body lotions, soap, and household cleaning products. I’m not going to lie - I don’t always make my own products, sometimes I do buy products but whatever I use has to be as natural as possible, organic and eco-friendly. Lockdown saw me back in my kitchen creating lots of household cleaning products and making hand scrubs and sanitisers for myself and family. All of this handwashing takes its toll on the skin and I want to ensure that my skin doesn’t dry out too much. Adding essential oils has meant that my skin hasn’t dried out and is still soft and supple.

Why would you use essential oils, especially when you can buy products from a range of outlets? If you do your research, you can find good quality organic essential oils, which can only be good for your skin and your sense of touch and smell. I also love the satisfaction that I get from making pure oils - for myself, for my family, for clients. I know that what I create - whether it is a sleep spritzer, a cooling spray or a massage oil - it is organic and I whole-heartedly try to be sustainable and eco-friendly. I only ever put essential oil creations into glass bottles so they can either be reused or recycled. And the properties of some of the oils are incredible - cell regeneration, emotional and/or physical balancing, stress relief, anti-inflamatory, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, antiviral (particularly useful during Covid-19 times).

I have often given my hypnobirthing clients a massage oil that they can use either during pregnancy to help with stretch marks, or during labour to help with lower back pain. I advise them on using Clary Sage during labour and beyond. I also use an essential oil blend in a diffuser during toddler yoga - it helps to energise the children but can also be great fun as they guess what oils they are smelling. I love using oils - singly or in blends depending on the reason I’m using them. I love having a diffuser on in the house - if I’m studying, I’ll use basil or an oil blend that will help me to concentrate; I’ll use oils in a diffuser in my bedroom to help me sleep and I’ll use oils to help combat colds and infections if I’m unwell. There are so many reasons to use oils and I hope that you’ll join me on my journey to understand and appreciate essential oils and to use them regularly yourself.

Pregnancy and childbirth