Private baby massage

Private baby massage


Sometimes you want to learn how to massage your baby from the earliest date but you’re not yet ready to go out to a group class or you have a toddler at home. You might be recovering from a belly birth and you can’t yet drive. You might be feeling a bit meh, either physically or emotionally!

No problem - I can come to you (within a 10 mile radius of Bristol City) to nurture you while you nurture your baby as I offer private baby massage courses from the comfort of your own home. Private home courses run for four weeks at a time, last for up to 90 minutes and are at a time that suits you. You will learn everything about baby massage - the best time to massage your baby, a tried and tested gentle sequence of massage, how to relieve colic and constipation and you will emotionally connect with your little one. Private courses cost £175 and you will receive the course booklet, a wipe-clean quick reference guide, organic coconut oil and a tote bag to keep all your resources together. No extra charge for twins, the cost is per family.

To book a private course, complete the contact form and I will get in touch to arrange suitable dates and times.

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