Baby Yoga

When can I start baby yoga?

You can start baby yoga when your child is between 10 and 12 weeks old up until your baby is crawling. Your baby is developing at an astonishing rate and, by the time, they are three months old, they are generally able to control their muscles and body to do different actions. Baby yoga can help your baby’s gross and fine motor skills.

Is a baby yoga course suitable for me, the parent?

Baby yoga is primarily aimed at helping your baby’s physical and cognitive development involving gentle movements and stretches for them. I do, however, teach some exercises for parents (pelvic floor, posture and gentle stretching).

Do I need to practice yoga before doing a baby yoga class?

No - you don’t need to have ever taken a yoga class in your life. The classes are aimed at babies or toddlers with a little bit of yoga for the parent. However, you don’t need to be a regular yoga participant or need to know anything about yoga. I will teach you all you need to know.

What do I need to bring to a class?

Yourself and your baby. I will provide the yoga mats, which will be thoroughly cleaned before and after every single session. You just need to bring what you need for your baby: a towel or a blanket to lay on top of the yoga mat and wear comfortable, loose clothes.

Do I need to wear a mask in class?

You need to wear a mask to come into the class and as you leave. You do not need to wear a mask during the class - mats are placed 2m apart to observe social distancing.

What if I miss a class or change my mind about attending?

Currently, I am unable to offer taster or drop-in sessions. My class sizes have reduced due to observing social distancing so it is not possible to offer a taster or drop-in session for any course. Classes have to be booked as part of a course. If you change your mind about coming to classes, refunds will not be issued once the course has started (please read my Ts&Cs regarding cancellation policy).

How much does a course cost?

Courses run over five weeks. Siblings are welcome to attend together. Non-mobile siblings are free and mobile siblings are half-price.

Isn’t baby yoga just another form of music and movement?

No. Baby yoga classes are based on the eight limbs of yoga:

  • Yama - how to be in the outer world

  • Niyama - how to be in the inner world

  • Asana - physical postures

  • Pranayama - breath and energy control

  • Pratyahara - sense withdrawal

  • Dharana - concentration

  • Dhyana - meditation

  • Samadhi - bliss

You may think that this is beyond what a baby can understand but everything is adapted to make yoga fun. Yes, we sing songs and yes, we move and we adapt yoga postures for all age groups. We also practice breathing for relaxation.

All yoga sessions end with a short relaxation session for parent and baby.