Preparing for a planned caesarean: online

Preparing for a planned caesarean: online


This caesarean preparation session runs online via Zoom at a time and date that suits you. If you want to feel calm and confident about your upcoming belly birth, this 90 minute session is just for you.

If you have chosen to have a planned caesarean or, for medical reasons, you’ve been advised that a caesarean birth is best for both you and baby, this course will address any concerns that you may have and enable you to feel positively about your upcoming birth.

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Learning how to be calm, confident and comfortable with your birth choice is really important, especially if it’s not your preferred way of birth. My planned caesarean sessions will help you to remain positive about your upcoming birth by talking over and addressing your fears and anxieties using positive affirmations and visualisations and specifically created MP3s.

This 90 minute session will cover:

  • Anxiety management and preparation of your mental state

  • Breathing exercises

  • What a caesarean birth looks like

  • Confidence in birthing your baby

However you give birth, you can feel proud of your achievement. A belly birth is as much a birth as a vaginal birth - it’s not an easy option and it takes courage and strength to have a baby this way. We will talk about your rights in making choices and decisions and help you to look back on your baby’s birth with pride.