Posts tagged birth trauma
Birth trauma resolution .....
Birth Trauma ResolutionJacqueline Harthillbirth, birth trauma, anxiety, dad anxiety, labour, new born babies, newborn babies, pregnancy, stress, third trimester, unexpected, parenting anxiety, mum anxiety, 3 Step Rewind Technique, 3 Step Rewind, Birth trauma resolution
Birth trauma .....
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillhypnobirthing, hypnobirthingbristol, hormones, hypnobirth, antenataleducation, antenatal education, antenatal, education, birth, Bristolhypnobirthing, birth trauma, covid 19, corona virus, dad, dad anxiety, ventouse, foetus, forceps, gentle birth, good enough, intervention, in utero, talking, labour, mum support, mamma mates, new born babies, newborn babies, caesarean
When should you start hypnobirthing classes?
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillcalm birth, hypnobirthingbristol, hypnobirthing, hypnobirth, hormones, anxiety, antenatal, antenataleducation, babies, birth, Bristolhypnobirthing, birth trauma, labour, newborn babies
A birth is a birth however it happens!
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillhypnobirth, hormones, hypnobirthing, caesarean, ventouse, forceps, intervention, post natal, antenatal, anxiety, birth, Bristolhypnobirthing, babies, birth trauma, labour, newborn babies, confident, calm, dad anxiety, education, relaxation, mental health, perinatal anxiety, pregnancy, stress, unexpected, mum anxiety, new born babies
What was it like to give birth for the first time?
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillhypnobirthing, children, birth, birth trauma, mental health, anxiety, antenataleducation, antenatal, parenting, parenting anxiety, dad anxiety, babies, parents, labour, calm, talking, relaxation, education, Bristolhypnobirthing, newborn babies, new born babies, confident, respect, mindfulness, post natal depression, perinatal anxiety, research, perfect parents, foetus, uterus, pregnancy
At home, no-one hears you scream .....
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillpost natal depression, perinatal anxiety, post natal, birth, birth trauma, perfect parents, good enough, parenting, mum anxiety, dad anxiety, parenting anxiety