Five reasons to take a baby massage course ..... baby massageJacqueline Harthill31 January 2021baby massage bristol, baby massage, baby sleep, babies, Bristolbabymassage, baby, infant massage, iaim, iaimUK, cimi, calm baby, calm, communication, development, cognitive, happy, oil, mum support, mamma mates, newborn babies, new born babies, parents, relaxation, soothing, self isolation, skin to skin, mummy
Five reasons to go to a baby yoga class ..... baby yogaJacqueline Harthill1 December 2020baby yoga, babies, cognitive, connections, dad, Adventure Boy, toddlers, education, sensory, fine motor skills, fun activities for toddlers, gentle parenting, songs, mamma mates, mum support, physical health, parents, development, relaxation, play, baby yoga bristol, bristol baby yoga, baby yoga near me, best baby yoga near me, best baby yoga bristolComment
Why should you massage your baby? baby massageJacqueline Harthill1 November 2020baby massage, baby massage bristol, infant massage, iaim, iaimUK, positive parenting, cimi, development, dads, dad, education, gentle parenting, cognitive, mummy, mum support, mamma mates, massage, mother, newborn babies, parenting, parenting anxiety, perinatal anxiety, parental instinct, relaxation, respect, role model, sleep, teaching, oxytocinComment
Birth trauma ..... HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthill26 September 2020hypnobirthing, hypnobirthingbristol, hormones, hypnobirth, antenataleducation, antenatal education, antenatal, education, birth, Bristolhypnobirthing, birth trauma, covid 19, corona virus, dad, dad anxiety, ventouse, foetus, forceps, gentle birth, good enough, intervention, in utero, talking, labour, mum support, mamma mates, new born babies, newborn babies, caesareanComment
Tummy time ..... Jacqueline Harthill16 September 2020baby sleep, babies, baby yoga, cognitive, connections, dads, dad, toddlers, songs, mates, mamma mates, mum support, mum, mummy, play, parents, parenting anxiety, role model, respect, small business, baby yoga bristol, bristol baby yogaComment
Essential oils to use in pregnancy ..... HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthill22 August 2020essential oils, pregnancy, massage, pregnancy massage, first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, AA Milne, antenatal education, labour, anxiety, antenatal, baby, Bristolhypnobirthing, birth, dad anxiety, dads, dad, education, relaxation, perinatal anxiety, foetus, gentle birth, organic, hypnobirth, hormones, hypnobirthing, hypnobirthingbristol, in utero, infant massage, instincts, mummy, mum support, mamma mates, mother, newborn babies, new born babies, online, oxytocin, oil, parenting anxiety, stress, uterus, mum, ventouse, intervention, mum anxietyComment
Teaching in the time of Covid-19 ..... baby massage, baby yogaJacqueline Harthill9 August 2020baby massage, baby sleep, babies, baby yoga, baby massage bristol, Bristolbabymassage, children, coconut oil, connections, cimi, covid 19, development, toddlers, education, sensory, relaxation, fine motor skills, fun activities for toddlers, infant massage, gentle parenting, cognitive, songs, happy, iaim, oil, mindfulness, milestones, play, language skills, calm, calm baby, mamma mates, mummy, mum support, online, parenting, social distancing, teaching, postive touch, positive playComment