Posts tagged perinatal anxiety
Positive affirmations .....
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillhypnobirthingbristol, hormones, hypnobirthing, home birth, hospital birth, hypnobirth, third trimester, antenataleducation, antenatal education, antenatal, antenatal with hypnosis, caesarean, anxiety, Bristolhypnobirthing, bristol antenatal education, babies, first trimester, first baby, birth, foetus, forceps, gentle birth, childbirth, intervention, in utero, instincts, skin to skin, affirmations, positive affirmations, positive birth, calm birth, ready for birth, relaxation, ventouse, oxytocin, unexpected, mum anxiety, dad anxiety, perinatal anxiety, mum, new born babies
Five reasons to take a hypnobirthing course .....
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillantenatal education, antenatal with hypnosis, antenataleducation, antenatal, anxiety, caesarean, birth, Bristolhypnobirthing, babies, confident, dad anxiety, dad, dads, education, ventouse, essential oils, foetus, first trimester, forceps, gentle parenting, gentle birth, pregnancy, hypnobirth, hospital birth, home birth, hypnobirthingbristol, hormones, hypnobirthing, childbirth, intervention, in utero, oil, skin to skin, lock down, Les Mis, mummy, mum, mum support, mother, newborn babies, new born babies, unexpected, ready for birth, relaxation, water birth, words, oxytocin, postnatal exercise, mum anxiety, parenting anxiety, perinatal anxiety
Why should you massage your baby?
baby massageJacqueline Harthillbaby massage, baby massage bristol, infant massage, iaim, iaimUK, positive parenting, cimi, development, dads, dad, education, gentle parenting, cognitive, mummy, mum support, mamma mates, massage, mother, newborn babies, parenting, parenting anxiety, perinatal anxiety, parental instinct, relaxation, respect, role model, sleep, teaching, oxytocin
Essential oils to use in pregnancy .....
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillessential oils, pregnancy, massage, pregnancy massage, first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, AA Milne, antenatal education, labour, anxiety, antenatal, baby, Bristolhypnobirthing, birth, dad anxiety, dads, dad, education, relaxation, perinatal anxiety, foetus, gentle birth, organic, hypnobirth, hormones, hypnobirthing, hypnobirthingbristol, in utero, infant massage, instincts, mummy, mum support, mamma mates, mother, newborn babies, new born babies, online, oxytocin, oil, parenting anxiety, stress, uterus, mum, ventouse, intervention, mum anxiety
Birth plans are really important .....
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillantenataleducation, anxiety, antenatal, caesarean, birth, Bristolhypnobirthing, babies, confident, calm, dad, education, ventouse, mental health, perinatal anxiety, gentle parenting, relaxation, foetus, gentle birth, pregnancy, hypnobirth, hypnobirthingbristol, hypnobirthing, instincts, intervention, in utero, labour, calm baby, birth plans
Every stage in your baby's life is temporary .....
baby massage, Hypnobirthing, birthJacqueline Harthillbaby massage, birth, baby massage bristol, babies, Bristolbabymassage, Bristolhypnobirthing, newborn babies, new born babies, children, connections, development, mindfulness, perinatal anxiety, confident, good enough
A birth is a birth however it happens!
HypnobirthingJacqueline Harthillhypnobirth, hormones, hypnobirthing, caesarean, ventouse, forceps, intervention, post natal, antenatal, anxiety, birth, Bristolhypnobirthing, babies, birth trauma, labour, newborn babies, confident, calm, dad anxiety, education, relaxation, mental health, perinatal anxiety, pregnancy, stress, unexpected, mum anxiety, new born babies
What's the point of baby massage?
baby massageJacqueline Harthillbaby massage, Bristolbabymassage, babies, newborn babies, iaim, coconut oil, cimi, connections, communication, development, dad anxiety, mindfulness, education, perinatal anxiety, confident, perfect parents, good enough, talking, oil, children, mental health, mum anxiety, calm, new born babies, oxytocin, postive touch, songs, post natal, post natal depression